

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Things that Make me SAD

Late last night, I went through and found a few garage sales I wanted to stop by this morning. The last time I went to a garage/yard sale was probably this time last year, and I wanted to see what treasure I would come across today. The plan was to bike to 3 different garage sales, but plans changed because my sister and her man-companion also wanted to go treasure hunting. We decided to drive and then go grab some free samples at our favorite Costco. The horrible surprise we found as we walked to the diver side mirror was dead (broken and hanging by it's thin plastic wiring). I'll be the first to confess that I don't love my car was much as some guys out there do, but this made me really sad. And then mad. And then sad again, because I have to money to repair this.

After a few calls, to my insurance, then my dad, then the police, and back to my insurance, then my dad, I am now just one sad lady with a broken mirror mount. :(

So since I have no collision coverage, thus no money from the insurance company to help me pay to fix my car, here's the quick fix: lots of gorilla glue! My very own Mr. Handyman glued the two broken parts together, and for over 40 minutes, he held it in place. Oh, what would I do without you and your very strong arms? My mirror would just fall back to its doom without you.

I guess we'll try again tomorrow to go rummaging at the local yard sales, but today we'll just watch glue dry (literally).

**And to the evil person who broke my should have left a note, now I have an ugly mirror. And if you read my blog, please fess up so I can report to my insurance who you and and get my mirror fixed. Thanks. Oh, before I forget, I HATE you. :)


The glue has dried and the mirror has survived a week of driving without falling off! YAY!!!
Here is what the mirror looks like today. It's still not as pretty as it used to be, but it works so that means this cheap fix will have to do until I save enough money to buy a new mount.

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