

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Free Afternoon

The weather is warming up quick and sometimes it's hard to keep cool and still look good without looking like we don't own any clothes. What's really trendy this summer are sheer fabrics that are lightweight, although I have to confess they are not the most breathable things to wear. We've recently went ona shopping spree where all we bought were sheer tops, so this summer we'll make good use of those.

Today, we have two different outfits to combat the heat.

This is a very simple outfit, shorts and a sleeveless blouse, how much simplier can one get? This sleeveless blouse is very breathable cotton with velvet polka dots. These high-waisted shorts are really nice also, because (1) they are extremely short, (2) they are really flexible, and (3) they are actually pretty thin. I added the royal purple belt for a pop of color, a color that melded with the undertones of my nail polish.  I decided to keep my hair up in a simple bun because I believe that's the best way to keep cool--no hair in the face, no sweat.

Price breakdown:
blouse: $5.00
shorts: $6.00
belt: free (this belt has always been in my closet)

bracelets: $5.00
booties: $21.00

Total: $32.00

This second outfit is a bit more covered up, but just as cool. As I was saying before, we collected a bunch of sheer tops, and this was one of them (actually now that I think of it, this may be part of last summer's collection). I love the floral print of this top and I always adore the tied-up detail. I wore my hair down for this particular picture, but I tied it up right after (let me tell you, long black hair surrounding your face in the summer is like a little makeshift face oven, not very comfortable). I paired this top with a very lightweight jeggings. These jeggings are very thin and part cotton, so it was quite breathable as well. My very comfortable flats were from the most likely of places, Rite Aid. I got these for a smashing $1.00. I was very excited. We eventually bought about 8 pairs at a dollar a piece and ended up giving a bunch away.
Price breakdown:
blouse: $3.00
jeggings: $2.50
flats: $1.00
tank: $2.50

Total: $9.00

1 comment:

  1. I love the fashionista posts!!! Keep blogging ,i need summer outfit ideas :)
