

Monday, June 18, 2012

The big Big BIG County Fair

This year is the first year our kid brother is going to the fair and we wanted to make sure he had a blast. The funny thing was we did not expect to have so much fun just watching him. It was quite hilarious to see us at the fair, there’s 6 of us “big kids” huddled around one little boy. Let’s just say he had a lot of power that weekend.

Giant wait, that's just how big they are!

It’s that wonderful time of year again, when the temperature goes up and up, when we need more and more ice cream in the freezer, and when we start to wear less and less clothes. But most important, this is that time of year when the county fair rolls around and we can once again make use of the many acres of paved land we call the fair grounds.

Visited the jail house, got measured (this method is an extremely accurate predictor), and petted a piglet.
From onion blossoms and cotton candy to petting pigs and riding elephants, we had an amazing time waiting in lines and rooting Phillip on as he attacked his first rides, solo. I’l be the first one to say it, we have a brave boy on our hands.
Rides! Rides! Rides!

We cannot wait until this feverishly hot weather is behind us, especially since the best part of it is over. But there's still next year, and by that time, Phillip will be taller and able to ride the bigger rides. Until next year!

1 comment:

  1. Philip grew so high and Fue's the happiest prisoner ever. haha...
