

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bicycles and Sunsets

Today was a really nice day. A new friend visited and I was reintroduced to some of the things I haven't done in a while. After Mexican food, a walk through nature, bowling, and drinks, I was able to finally fit in some exercise. I'm not sure if I was actually invited, but I went biking with the guys today, and for 20 whole minutes, my legs were actually feeling something other than sleep.

We went biking right before sunset, and I tried to get as many pictures as I can, but that was very hard to do because I was on a moving bicycle and everyone else was moving, including the cars on the country road we were riding on.

Out biking adventure included  a little bit of bike repairs, but thank goodness for the handyman in the group.
Enjoying the sunset and taking advantage of the golden lighting.
It was great to re-explore all the back roads that make up this little town, especially in such good lighting. We were able to exercise and enjoy a sunset. I had an awesome trying to catch up with these guys, so until next time--I will lead next time!

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