

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Father's Day

Happy Father’s Day! (last weekend)

Father’s Day has come and gone and I forgot to post up what we did to celebrate dad. I had some time on my hands so I decided to come up with a theme that was both environmentally and pocketbook friendly. I thought for a very long time before I came up with the idea to use newspapers as the sole materials for the decorations.

Where we live, the school has free newspapers, available daily for the students. I actually started this project after school was out, so I had to do a little searching (I actually had two little elves who did this for me) to find stacks of unread paper and reuse them. I’ll have another post up later that outlines the decorations how-to.

For the food, we came up with a menu of the foods dad loved. We tried to keep it simple, up dad is dad.

Smoked pork ribs
Grilled oysters
Spring rolls
Spring salad
Wilted greens
Chicken ad tofu soup
Pan fried peppers
Dessert soup (a play on naabvaam, a tapioca dessrt except there's no tapioca, just lots of different flavored jello, fruits, and coconut milk)
Cupcakes (pandan, ginger, jasmine green tea)

Not everything is pictured, given that when we celebrate, we tend to forget to take too many pictures, but use your imagination.

Hopefully everyone had an awesome time celebrating their dad (and/or father figures), because we did and you should too!

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