

Monday, June 4, 2012

DIY Cake Stand

Completed Cake Stand

I meant to make this for Mother’s Day but I couldn’t find the right materials in time. I figured it’s better to have it done perfectly and have it for future uses than to make it and have it but I not be happy about it.

And I actually tried to buy a cake stand from the thrift store, but I couldn’t find one I loved, so I decided to make it. 

Start at the top left and continue clockwise.


Ceramic plate
Ceramic cup (or candle holder)
Gorilla glue
Washable marker
Weights (or anything heavy, I used our box of nail polish, which is pretty heavy)

1. Thoroughly wash and dry plate and cup.
2. Measure how wide the plate and cup is so you can properly center the cup onto the plate.
3. Mark, with the washable marker, where the cup will sit on the plate.
4. Dampen the base of the cup and apply the glue in one even layer.
5. Position the cup onto the plate where it’s marked.
6. Place your heavy weights atop the cake stand. I place mine on the cup with the plate on the bottom (which is upside down), but you can also flip the whole thing over and place the weights on top of the plate (right side up). Just makes sure you weigh it down. 

Price breakdown:

Ceramic plate--$0.39
Ceramic cup--$0.39
Gorilla Glue--from previous project, bought it originally for ~ $4
Marker--from previous project and forgot the price, so free for this project

Total: $4.78

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