

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day at the Lake

Happy Summer!

Today is going to be the longest day of the year and officially the first day of summer! And that is why we decided to go enjoy some sun yesterday, so we can stay in today and bask in the coolness of a nice AC system. J

In our little town we call home, we have a small lake of our very own. And even though its beaches man-made and its waters pumped in, it’s a lake we can call our own. With the warming days, the lake called to us, and yesterday became a day at the lake.

Joining us were two of our favorite little girls. The lake offered such beautiful lighting and serene background, that it was only natural we have a camera with us. And being who we are, we needed a mini photoshoot before everyone went into the water and ruined their beautifully curled hair. 

There were many swimming lessons throughout the day, and let's just say, little progress was made by the end of the day. Everyone did enjoy a few ice cold popsicles, even though the breeze from the waters was more than enough to make me forget that summer is almost upon us.

So let's make the most of today, and once again, Happy Summer!

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