

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Easy, Healthy Salad Dressing

One of the things I love more than cupcakes, are vegetables. I'm not sure why certain people hate vegetables, but I love them (not as much as vegetarians, because I happen to love meats just as much). One of my go-to vegetable dish is a simple salad, but I make mine awesome with my dressing. The important thing to remember when making this dressing (as well as any of the recipes on this blog) is that you can always adjust it to your taste. Add a little bit more of this, a little less of this, or add something new altogether. 

Salad Dressing Recipe

1/2 lime or small lemon, zested and juiced
1/2 teaspoon of fish sauce (or dash of salt)
1 tablespoon sugar (this time I used 1 tablespoon of my homemade ginger syrup)
A few shakes of black pepper
1/4 cup olive oil
2.5 cups of salad greens (baby spinach, mixed greens, etc.)

1. Combine all the ingredients together and mix until incorporated (emulsified).
2. Dress salad (do not overdress!)

Salad Basics (for me)

There's a few things I always add to my salad, one of them being onions and the other being fruit. The onions, mixed with a bit of the dressing and microwaved for 1 minute on high to tenderize them, becomes a really sweet addition to any salad. I really enjoy the extra freshness and flavor fruit adds to a salad. Whatever fruit I have available, whether that be apples, oranges, strawberries, or peaches, basically anything that is quite firm and can keep its shape and texture after being tossed. For today's salad, I also added some almonds and candied ginger as well as peaches because I happen to have all those ingredients on hand. When you make your salad, add whatever ingredients you like. Oh, and if you haven't, try sliced cooked potatoes, your salad now has become filling.

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